
Neck (Cervical) Disc Replacement

What is Cervical Disc Replacement (Total Disc Arthroplasty)?

Cervical Disc Replacement, also known as Total Disc Arthroplasty or Artificial Disc Replacement (ADR), is a motion preserving surgical procedure that address cervical disc damage and pain. During the surgery, your damaged disc is replaced with a new disc device. 

4 Advantages of Cervical Disc Replacement over a Spinal Fusion

    • Motion Preservation:  Unlike spinal fusion, which restricts movement by fusing adjacent vertebrae, disc replacement allows for neck to have a full range of motion including circling and swiveling
    • Reduced Recovery Time: A shorter recovery period means that you can return to your daily activities sooner.
    • Minimized Discomfort: This minimally invasive spinal surgery results in reduced post-surgery discomfort.
    • Limits Future Spinal Issues: Disc replacement decreases the risk of adjacent segment degeneration, a risk associated with spinal fusion. 

Prodisc Patient Stories

PGA Tour Winner Brian Gray

PGA Tour Winner Rory Sabbatini