

November 1, 2013 By Nevada Business Mag

The healthcare industry has seen a vast amount of changes in a short time period leaving doctors working double time to catch up. This has only helped solidify the drive and passion of many of Nevada’s excellent healthcare providers. The following list highlights these doctors as ranked by the community and their peers.

The 2013 Medical Marvels list is a compilation of polling wherein all of Nevada’s communities were encouraged to nominate their doctors for the exceptional work they do. The polling was ranked and weighted towards doctors. If a doctor nominated another doctor, that vote would receive three points. All other votes received one point.

After the nomination period ended, all of the votes were verified and tallied. The following pages highlight the doctors that are the cream of the crop. These 140 doctors were at the top of the community ranked list. The Nevada Business Magazine team congratulates them for their achievement on making this prestigious list and thanks them for their efforts on behalf of the Silver State and most importantly, their patients. Read the full article here


Lali H. Sekhon, MD, PhD
Sierra Neurosurgery Group
Neurosurgery, Spine
Practicing in Nevada for eight years.